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taught by humans

AI and Data Confidence:
Personalised Learning
for Your Workforce


Taught by Humans' enterprise learning platform for AI and data skills.

Empower your workforce with personalised AI and data education.

Upskill Your Team
Drive Innovation
Stay Competitive

Data & AI Skills - Always Learning to Stay Up to Date

DOT-ed is our cutting-edge online learning platform designed for businesses.

We've created DOT-ed to help companies equip their employees with essential data and AI skills, crucial for driving innovation and maintaining a competitive edge in today's rapidly evolving business landscape.

At Taught by Humans, we understand that every business (and individual employee) has unique needs. Our platform offers a comprehensive range of data and AI topics, prioritised based on industry demand and business impact. Our current offerings include:

Business-Critical Tools

Advanced Spreadsheet Techniques

SQL for Business Intelligence

Python for Data Analysis

Leveraging ChatGPT in Business

Strategic Knowledge

Data-Driven Decision Making

Enterprise Data Cleaning and

Business Analytics and Insights

Data Visualization for Executives

Applied Statistics in Business

AI Strategy and Implementation

Practical Application

Industry-Specific Case Studies

Real-World Business Projects
(Coming Soon!)

Meet Dotly: Your AI Learning Companion

Dotly, our AI-powered learning assistant, personalises the learning experience for each employee:

- Adapts to individual roles and skill levels

- Creates tailored learning pathways

- Aligns skills development with company goals

- Continuously evolves to optimise learning efficiency

With Dotly, ensure your team acquires the right skills effectively, driving your company's AI and data capabilities forward.

Investment in Your Team's Future